In the far east of Diva Terra Continent is a thriving country.
Owing to favorable national policy, settlers have worked very hard to develop the land.
As people see the fruits of their efforts on this fertile land, they begin to call it Paradise.
You are charmed by tales of this Paradise, and decide to move there.
After a long journey, you arrive at a small hut and a desolate ranch.
And your mind is already full of ideas and plans for your new home...
◆Plenty of Sheep! And Plenty of Items to Help You!◆
Auto-feeding bowl. Disease vaccine.
Teru Teru Sheep that keep it always sunny.
Brave Shepherd Dog that fights off the Wolves.
Make Good Use of Them to Raise Your Sheep Healthy and Happy!
◆Ranch Products!◆
Shearing! Milking!
Work them into Yarn!
Make Cheese! Cheese!
◆Exciting Events!◆
What to do when the crop market run out of feeds for your sheep?
What to do when the Big Bad Wolves come?
Come Help Beat Them!
◆Sheep Gallery◆
140 Different Breeds of Sheeps, and the Number is still Growing.
Gotta Breed Them All?
◆Global Leaderboard◆
Who Sold the Most Sheep?
Who has the Most Profitable Ranch?
Let's Race to the Top of the Leaderboard!
【Optimized for Intel x86 mobile device】
Nell'estremo est di Diva Terra Continente è un paese fiorente.
Grazie alla politica nazionale favorevole, i coloni hanno lavorato molto duramente per sviluppare il paese.
Come la gente vede i frutti dei loro sforzi su questa terra fertile, cominciano a chiamarlo Paradiso.
Siete affascinati dai racconti di questo paradiso, e decide di spostare lì.
Dopo un lungo viaggio, si arriva a una piccola capanna e un ranch desolata.
E la tua mente è già piena di idee e progetti per la vostra nuova casa ...
◆ Un sacco di pecore! E un sacco di elementi per aiutarvi! ◆
Auto-alimentazione ciotola. Vaccino contro la malattia.
Teru Teru Sheep che tenerlo sempre soleggiato.
Coraggioso Pastore che combatte i Lupi.
Fate buon uso di Raise Your Sheep sano e felice!
◆ Ranch Prodotti! ◆
Shearing! Mungitura!
Loro lavorano in filato!
Fare il formaggio! Cheese!
◆ Eventi speciali! ◆
Cosa fare quando il mercato delle colture a corto di mangimi per la tua pecora?
Cosa fare quando i Big Bad Wolves vengono?
Vieni aiutarle a battere!
◆ Sheep Galleria ◆
140 diverse razze di pecore, e il numero è in continua crescita.
Devo Razza tutti?
◆ globale Leaderboard ◆
Chi ha venduto la maggior parte delle pecore?
Chi ha il Ranch più redditizio?
Facciamo corsa alla vetta della classifica!
【Ottimizzato per dispositivi mobili Intel x86】
In the far east of Diva Terra Continent is a thriving country.
Owing to favorable national policy, settlers have worked very hard to develop the land.
As people see the fruits of their efforts on this fertile land, they begin to call it Paradise.
You are charmed by tales of this Paradise, and decide to move there.
After a long journey, you arrive at a small hut and a desolate ranch.
And your mind is already full of ideas and plans for your new home...
◆Plenty of Sheep! And Plenty of Items to Help You!◆
Auto-feeding bowl. Disease vaccine.
Teru Teru Sheep that keep it always sunny.
Brave Shepherd Dog that fights off the Wolves.
Make Good Use of Them to Raise Your Sheep Healthy and Happy!
◆Ranch Products!◆
Shearing! Milking!
Work them into Yarn!
Make Cheese! Cheese!
◆Exciting Events!◆
What to do when the crop market run out of feeds for your sheep?
What to do when the Big Bad Wolves come?
Come Help Beat Them!
◆Sheep Gallery◆
140 Different Breeds of Sheeps, and the Number is still Growing.
Gotta Breed Them All?
◆Global Leaderboard◆
Who Sold the Most Sheep?
Who has the Most Profitable Ranch?
Let's Race to the Top of the Leaderboard!
【Optimized for Intel x86 mobile device】